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Changing Landscape of Pathology Practice

Sep 9, 2021


The Roundtable will provide information from practicing pathologists on the major economic and practice management changes occurring in pathology. The scope of the discussion would include the changes to structure of practice (employed vs private practice) and the regulatory, economic, and political factors that have shaped the current landscape. The members will gain perspective on how to approach a new job or a job change in pathology.


Karim E. Sirgi, MD, MBA, FCAP, Chair, Practice Management Committee
Patrick Wilson, MD, FCAP, Advisor, Practice Management Committee
Chiraag Gangahar, MD, FCAP, Member, Practice Management Committee
Guillermo G. Martinez-Torres, MD, FCAP, President North Shore Pathologists, SC
Vivek Khare MD, FCAP, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Delta Pathology