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You’ve Settled into your New Job, Now What?

Aug 10, 2021


The NIPC lead will “kick-off” the session by sharing his personal experiences about developing objectives and avoiding challenges for new in practice pathologists during their first year of practice. Once settling into a new role both private practice and academic pathologists will need to pursue activities to lead successful careers and to gain promotion within their groups. Breakout discussions will focus on the importance of career related tasks such as networking, completing promotion related goals, and developing lifelong learning habits. Discussion will also be around challenges and potential pitfalls that could derail a new in practice pathologist. All NIPC members and attendees will come back together in the main Zoom room to share a few “take-aways” from their individual breakouts.

Learning Objectives

Understand the importance of:

  • networking with new colleges, physicians and other pathologists
  • the components that go into promotion in both academic practice and private practice
  • developing habits to maintain lifelong learning in their field and practice
  • understanding challenges and pitfalls that can occur early in practice
  • developing career goals and modifying them as they develop in their career


Richard Owings, II, MD, FCAP
DELTA Pathology Group
Shreveport, LA

Webinar Material

Watch recording