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  5. Fast Focus on Compliance (FFoC) Training Vignettes

Fast Focus on Compliance (FFoC) Training Vignettes

Fast Focus on Compliance (FFoC) training vignettes are supplemental to the inspector training courses. FFoC vignettes give inspectors practical approaches to handle new and perplexing topics using real-world examples. A resource for lab inspectors and laboratories alike, Fast Focus on Compliance training vignettes help you prepare for future laboratory inspections by gaining a clear understanding of requirements while receiving insight into areas that need improvement.

Interactive Activities

Access the Fast Focus on Compliance Interactive Activities. These short modules use situational scenarios and knowledge checks to gauge proficiency on specific topics related to laboratory inspections.

Tipsheets and Resource Documents

Download the Fast Focus on Compliance Tip sheets. These resources are designed to be downloaded and quickly referenced when preparing for or completing laboratory inspections.


Play the Fast Focus on Compliance training games for a fun, interactive test on laboratory inspections.


Watch the FFoC videos. These vignettes address specific subjects related to laboratory inspections.

Have questions? Email us at accred@cap.org.