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Twitter Chat: Engage + Educate: How Pathologists Can Connect with Medical Students

Aug 26, 2019 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM CT

Join this #capchat Twitter chat to discuss with your fellow pathologists about how to inform medical students about the opportunities and benefits of choosing pathology as a specialty.

#capchat Leaders

Chat Questions

  1. What are some of the advantages in using social media to educate medical students about pathology?
  2. What are some of the disadvantages of using social media to educate medical students about pathology?
  3. What’s the best way to explain the diversity of the specialty (all the different areas one can specialize in, as well as AP vs CP options)?
  4. How/where/when to engage with medical students?
  5. What’s your elevator pitch for pathology?
  6. What are some quick responses to common misconceptions about the specialty?
  7. What do you say is the reason you went into pathology?
  8. How do you respond to questions about future direction of the specialty?

Note: This Twitter chat will be following a Q&A format. The host, tweeting from @Pathologists, will ask questions or post discussion topics (beginning with Q1, Q2, etc.); the leaders will post answers starting with “A” and the corresponding question number (A1, A2, etc.). Ask your question or comment on one of the discussion questions/answers by referencing the specific discussion question beginning your tweet with “QX”, with X referring to the question number.

Pre-Chat Reading Material

Past Chat Information and Transcripts

Twitter Chat

Date: Monday, August 26, 2019

Time: 9 PM – 10 PM EST

Read the Twitter Chat Wrap-Up Right Arrow