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  5. Twitter Chat: Digital Pathology and A.I.: How Pathologists Can Leverage Emerging Technologies

Twitter ChatDigital Pathology and A.I.: How Pathologists Can Leverage Emerging Technologies

Nov 18, 2019 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM CT

Join this Twitter Chat (#capchat) to discuss opportunities for pathologists to implement digital pathology and artificial intelligence into their practice—both now and in the future.

#capchat Leaders

Chat Discussion Questions

  1. Do pathologists need a CLIA license to sign out digital pathology cases?
  2. Do pathologists need to use an FDA-approved system to do digital pathology?
  3. Do you have examples of educational uses of whole slide images?
  4. Can you give me some good resources on digital pathology?
  5. What is the best use case for digital pathology?
  6. Is digital pathology used for any CAP proficiency testing products?
  7. Will there be an update to the CAP’s validation paper on WSI?
  8. How can pathologists get more involved with the CAP’s digital pathology initiatives?

Note: This Twitter chat will be following a Q&A format. The host, tweeting from @Pathologists, will ask questions or post discussion topics (beginning with Q1, Q2, etc.); the leaders will post answers starting with “A” and the corresponding question number (A1, A2, etc.). Ask your question or comment on one of the discussion questions/answers by referencing the specific discussion question beginning your tweet with “QX”, with X referring to the question number.

Pre-Chat Reading Material

Past Chat Information and Transcripts

Twitter Chat

Date: Monday, November 18, 2019

Time: 9 PM – 10 PM EST

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