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House of Delegates Surveys and Report Cards

Survey Results

Delegate duties include completing regular surveys that measure our success and the success of the CAP in meeting the needs of the membership. View the results of surveys given to House of Delegates (HOD) members.

Report Cards

The CAP annually survey House of Delegate (HOD) members on how well the the CAP is doing in informing and preparing them on topics they have identified as important.

2012 State Societies

The HOD Action Group on state societies identified characteristics of strong state societies and gathered information for a baseline report.

HOD Baseline Metric

The CAP’s primary metric measures how Delegates view the HOD meeting format, and how Delegates, the CAP Board of Governors, and CAP Leadership view the HOD and HOD Steering Committee effectiveness. Survey participants are asked to agree or disagree with the following statements as they relate to meeting format, HOD Effectiveness, and HODSC Effectiveness.

The HOD uses the following metrics as primary and secondary measures of success and update these metrics annually in December.

HOD Meeting Format

  1. Joint Session with Residents is effective
  2. Format allows HOD input to the CAP leadership
  3. Format was appropriate and encouraged participation
  4. Meeting met stated objectives
  5. Meeting purpose and objectives were clearly stated

HODSC Effectiveness

  1. I am well informed of College activities related to HOD, status, and next steps
  2. I am well informed of HOD activities, status, and next steps
  3. HODSC is performing to HOD/Leadership expectations

HOD Speaker is performing to HOD expectations HOD as a Whole

  1. Ample opportunities for Delegates to participate
  2. CAP leadership is receptive to HOD opinions
  3. HOD is an effective body and meets its obligations
  4. HOD input instrumental in influencing policy
  5. HOD functions well in articulating voice of membership

HOD Meeting Registration

This secondary metric measures meeting registration for Spring and Fall HOD meeting.

Delegate Chairs Submitting Reports

This secondary metric measures progress with collecting delegate issues annually at the Fall HOD meetings. These issues, along with responses to the issues, are posted on the HOD collaboration space for delegate review and response each Spring.

Percentage of the CAP Councils/Committees

This secondary metric measures the percentage of the CAP Councils and Committees with members that also serve as current delegates.

HOD Serving

This secondary metric tracks the percentage of delegates also currently serving on other CAP Councils and Committees.

HOD Positions Filled

This secondary metric measures delegate representation for the CAP HOD.