As a pathologist, you have an ever-increasing list of responsibilities, and spending time to make sure you get paid for the value you provide—knowing that your hours would be better spent enhancing the quality of patient care—can feel a little unfair.

The College of American Pathologists’ (CAP) Pathologists Quality Registry has you covered. The CAP has invested in resources and experts in the field who work to anticipate what pathologists require to succeed in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Together, we help pathologists get paid equitably for their services through advocacy, development of quality measures that optimize scores, and platforms that ease compliance.

Pathologists Need to Pay Attention to MIPS Thresholds

Why Pathologists Need to Pay Attention to MIPS

We understand that no practice wants to deal with payment issues—trust us, we know that's not why you became a pathologist in the first place. Enroll in the Pathologists Quality Registry and we can help you find the MIPS reporting option that best fits your practice so you can avoid any unnecessary penalties, and get paid what you’re worth.

How your score could be affected in 2023

With MIPS quality measure scoring and other changes finalized by CMS in 2023, it will be difficult to meet the 2023 MIPS score thresholds required to avoid penalties even if your practice scores perfectly on every measure.

MIPS Performance Year202120222023
MIPS Performance Threshold607575
MIPS Exceptional Performance Threshold8589N/A
Ability to Earn Bonus Points for High Priority MeasuresYNN
Quality Measure Scoring floor3 points3 points1 point

Practices solely relying on the six pathology Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) in the public domain need to rethink their 2023 MIPS reporting to ensure reimbursement for their services are not negatively impacted in 2025.

We'll Help You Score Higher Than Anyone Else

The Pathologists Quality Registry can help you comply with MIPS and maximize your opportunities for positive payment adjustments. Four benchmarked pathology-specific Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) measures in the Pathologists Quality Registry offer you opportunities to earn more points per measure and higher MIPS scores.

Our Experience Does Make a Difference

  • The CAP is your partner when it comes to MIPS Reporting

  • Optimize Points and Performance to Avoid Penalties

See why the Pathologists Quality Registry can make a difference in your performance

If you would like your practice to reap the benefits of a team of experts offering practice-specific support for complying with MIPS—and receive proper compensation for the value you provide—please contact  our representatives today at 800-323-4040, option 3 or email us at

Learn how you can maximize your MIPS score. Request a consultation with one of our experts.

Email us or call 800-323-4040, option 3