Get Started With Direct Transmission Using Data Innovations Instrument Manager

Start transmitting your quantitative PT results to the CAP using Data Innovations® Instrument ManagerTM. Follow these steps, review our user guide, and view our how-to videos to guide you through the process.

1. Verify Minimum Resource Requirements

  • Instrument Manager version 8.15 or higher from Data Innovations, LLC with specimen management.
  • CAP driver from Data Innovations or your business partner.
  • Firewall access for inbound and outbound connections.

2. Order

  • Complete and submit the enrollment form. Upon processing, we will send your username, password, and instructions.

3. Install

4. Test

  • Verify connectivity and accuracy of mapping by simulating a transmission. (See Test Submission Service how-to video)

5. Transmit Results

Direct Transmission How-to Videos

For help implementing direct transmission using Instrument Manager, see our how-to videos. Each video targets concerns ranging from deciphering rules and ensuring you are transmitting only PT (not patient) results—to connectivity configurations, mapping and testing your PT transmissions, and ensuring on-time transmissions.

Want to Do More With Less?

See How Direct Transmission of PT Results Using Instrument Manager Works.

Need to enroll? Submit the enrollment form to start the process.

How It Works Right Arrow Enroll Now Right Arrow

If you are not sure if the CAP has a solution for your laboratory to report PT results by direct transmission or have questions, we can help.

Phone: 800-323-4040, option 1