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Residents Forum Executive Committee

  • Empower members of the Residents Forum by providing a unified, representative voice.
  • Ensure member engagement, enhance professional growth, and advance the specialty of pathology

Visit the Residents Forum page to learn more about the election process for the Residents Forum Executive Committee. 

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of meetings


Length of meetings 1.5 days
Typical meeting days Saturday and Sunday
Meeting locations The meeting may be virtual or is usually less than 30 miles from an airport. At least one meeting each year takes place in Chicago.
Number of conference calls Scheduled as needed.
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Members 24-40, Vice Chair 50-60 Chair 60-80.
Additional travel or time commitments Member: Five hours when involved in special projects.
Chair: Three council meeting and one council telephone conference per year.
  • Chair: Presides at RF meetings; acts as liaison to Council on Membership and Professional Development; serves as a voting member of the CAP Board of Governors. Travel commitment: 35 days.
  • Vice Chair: Acts in Chair's stead if needed. Travel commitment: 11 days.
  • Secretary: Prepares PowerPoint presentation for and minutes of RF meetings; chairs RF Credentials Committee. Travel commitment: 11 days.
  • Alternate Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section: Two-year term, first year as alternate delegate, second as delegate. This position represents the CAP-RF at two AMA meetings annually, and updates the RF on AMA-RFS activities. Travel commitment: 42 days in two years.
  • Alternate Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates: Two-year term, first year as alternate delegate, second as delegate. This position presents all RF-adopted resolutions to the House for action, attends House reference committee hearings and general sessions of the House, and may be asked to serve as a member of a House reference committee. Travel commitment: 22 days in two years.
  • Digital Strategy Liaison (DSL): Two-year term, appointment to a partial term of office will not be considered part of the two-year limit. In partnership with the CAP Digital Strategy team, supports the RF’s use of digital and social media as a means of interfacing with residents. The DSL will assist in the improvement and management of resident digital engagement and will carry out other such duties as assigned by the Chair and the RFEC.* Travel commitment: 11 days. Note: Serving on CAP’s Digital Content Committee is a requirement included in “other such duties as assigned by the Chair and the RFEC". Review the Digital Content Committee Requirements.
  • Member-at-Large: Assists in recruitment of Junior Members, communicating the activities of the Residents Forum to the Delegates, facilitates communication between the CAP and its Junior Members. Travel commitment: 11 days.

Note: Alternate Delegate terms are for two years and all other positions are one-year terms. All time commitments listed are approximate and include (but are not limited to) weekend days.

Swati Bhardwaj, MD, MBBS

Vice Chair
Ashley Gochoco, DO

Parnaz Daneshpajouhnejad, MD

Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates
Alaaeddin Alrohaibani, MD

Alternate Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates
Hanae Benchbani, MD

Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section
Mary Clay Bailey, MD

Alternate Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section
Niloufar Pourfarrokh, MD

Elizabeth V McLeod, MD, MS

Digital Strategy Liaison
Matthew Luo, MD

Stephen Simalchik

View the current Executive Committee leaders and contact them with any questions about serving on the RFEC. Access the roster  Lock