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  5. Twitter Chat: How Pathologists Can Navigate COVID-19-Related Practice Management Challenges

Twitter Chat: How Pathologists Can Navigate COVID-19-Related Practice Management Challenges

May 12, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM CT

Pathologists and pathology practices are confronting a drop in anatomic pathology and related clinical laboratory services due to COVID-19. Join this Twitter Chat discussion (#capchat) with CAP leaders about how pathologists can navigate practice management-related challenges resulting from the impact of COVID-19.

#capchat Leaders

  • Host: Brian Huan Thai Le, MD, FCAP, Member, Digital Content Committee (DCC), tweeting from CAP Twitter handle (@Pathologists)
  • Guests: Dr. Le (@brianhlemd); Jonathan Myles, MD, FCAP, (@JonathanMyles10), Chair, Council of Government and Professional Affairs. The CAP’s Advocacy office (@CAPDCAdvocacy) will be participating to address regulatory questions.

Chat Discussion Questions

  1. What programs are available to assist pathology practices facing financial hardship during COVID? 
  2. What are the requirements to qualify for these programs? 
  3. How does a practice decide how much financial assistance to apply for? 
  4. Are there rules that regulate how financial assistance from these programs are to be used? 
  5. Do pathologists who are independent contractors, working locums tenens for example, qualify for these programs? 
  6. What has been your experience in applying for the Federal Aid Programs? If you haven’t applied to any of these programs, why not? 
  7. To what resources can pathologists and pathology practices refer for more assistance and guidance?

Note: This Twitter chat will be following a Q&A format. The host, tweeting from @Pathologists, will ask questions or post discussion topics (beginning with Q1, Q2, etc.); the leaders will post answers starting with “A” and the corresponding question number (A1, A2, etc.). Ask your question or comment on one of the discussion questions/answers by referencing the specific discussion question beginning your tweet with “QX”, with X referring to the question number.

How to Participate

  1. Follow along on the #capchat hashtag. Invite your followers to join the chat.
  2. Introduce yourself, where you are from, and any relevant professional details to the group.
  3. Respond to the Q’s using A1, A2, A3, etc.

Tip: Mute or block any bots taking over your feed. Ask questions and share your best tips and tricks with the group.

Pre-Chat Reading Material

Past Chat Information and Wrap-Ups

Twitter Chat

Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Time: 9 PM – 10 PM EST

Read the Twitter Chat Wrap-Up Right Arrow